• Twins in the womb

A Tale of Two Worlds

November 7th, 2019|0 Comments

A Tale of Two Worlds In a mother’s womb were two babies. One asked the other: “Do you believe in life after delivery?” The other replies, “Why, of course. There has to be something after delivery.

  • The Rock Project

The Rock Project

October 2nd, 2019|0 Comments

The Rock Project The church is currently undertaking a major expansion project, which the congregation named (The Rock).  This expansion comprises of extending the Church’s basement, which will add approximately 500Sqm of additional space.

  • Sword of the Spirit

The Sword of the Spirit

January 14th, 2019|Comments Off on The Sword of the Spirit

The Armour of God: The Sword of the Spirit ‘...and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God’ Ephesians 6:17 Why the sword: The sword is an attacking and defending weapon. It

  • Shield of Faith

The Shield of Faith

January 14th, 2019|Comments Off on The Shield of Faith

The Armour of God: The Shield of Faith ‘...above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one’ Ephesians 6:16 In the

  • Sandals of Peace

Sandals of the Gospel of Peace

January 14th, 2019|Comments Off on Sandals of the Gospel of Peace

The Armour of God: The Sandals of the Gospel of Peace ‘AND HAVING SHOD YOUR FEET WITH THE PREPARATION OF THE GOSPEL OF PEACE.’ Ephesians 6:15 Introduction: Gospel: good news. What good news is in

  • Helmet of Salvation

The Helmet of Salvation

January 14th, 2019|Comments Off on The Helmet of Salvation

The Armour of God: The Helmet of Salvation ‘AND TAKE THE HELMET OF SALVATION’ Ephesians 6:17a The importance of the mind Since man's beginning, Satan has focused his attacks on people's minds.  Satan cannot force

  • Breastplate

The Breastplate of Righteousness

January 14th, 2019|Comments Off on The Breastplate of Righteousness

The Armour of God: The Breastplate of Righteousness ‘HAVING PUT ON THE BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEUOSNESS Ephesians 6:14b Introduction: The Greek word for righteousness in this scripture is dikaiosune (Crosswalk's online lexicon gives these definitions for

  • Armour of God

The Belt of Truth

January 14th, 2019|Comments Off on The Belt of Truth

STAND FIRM THEN, WITH THE BELT OF TRUTH BUCKLED AROUND YOUR WAIST, EPHESIANS 6:14- Why the Belt? For a soldier in St. Paul’s time a belt was not only used to secure the clothing around