The Song of Redemption: A Divine Discourse between Jehovah Goel and Creation
The Song of Redemption: A Divine Discourse between Jehovah Goel and Creation It’s a Song of Redemption: Divine Discourse between Jehovah Goel
The Song of Redemption: A Divine Discourse between Jehovah Goel and Creation It’s a Song of Redemption: Divine Discourse between Jehovah Goel
Advent and Kiahk The month of Kiahk in the Coptic church depicts celebrating the events related to the Advent and the birth
The Veneration of St Mary We venerate the most holy virgin St Mary, for she is the Mother of God (Theotokos)
The Chosen Disciples Instead of Your fathers shall be Your sons, Whom You shall make princes in all the earth, Psalm
The Holy Spirit and His work in us “What is greater than to possess the Holy Spirit?” (St. Pachomius’s disciple Theodore:
The Lord Will Provide There usually seems to be a lot going on; exams, new jobs, new marriages, new babies, new homes,